The Stonewall Jackson High School Planning Council is made up of parents, students, teachers and administrators and meets on the second Thursday of each Month at 7:30 p.m. at the school. The eight parent representatives are selected by geographic location and upon completion of the council membership application. OPEN CHAIR The first 15 minutes of each council meeting is set aside for parents, teachers, and students to address the council on matters of importance, concerns, or suggestions for school improvement. Visitors must sign in and are given 3-5 minutes to address the council. While there may be no immediate reaction to public comment, the council will discuss the comments during a later portion of their meeting. Minutes will be posted to this web site. The primary role of the SPC is to create, monitor, and evaluate, the triennial school plan. The council also advises the principal in policy and procedural matters with regard to the operation of the school. The council hears monthly reports from staff regarding programs and plan evaluation. On or about October 1st , minutes, agendas, council membership with contact phone numbers, and other pertinent information from the council will be posted to this site. This page will be updated shortly after each monthly meeting. Please check back often. Meeting Dates for 2001-2002
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